Boudoir photography by Amber Fino

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Welcome to the boudie blog!

I’m so excited to be finally sharing my first blog post. This is something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now but I have definitely been stuck in a perfectionist mindset that’s been holding me back. 2023 is the year I’m committing to pushing through some of these lingering set backs—No More Excuses! After all if it doesn’t scare you it isn’t worth doing, right?!

I just want to start the blog by setting my intentions so you know what to expect. I intend to provide valuable and empowering information about radical self acceptance, womanhood, and self growth. We’ll call this the underlying theme of the boudie blog. Within that base theme, I will also share valuable information about what to expect when working with me and my studio and how to make the most of your portrait experience.

This will also be a great place for me to showcase the wonderful people I photograph and their stories. Most of the time feeling unworthy or like we aren’t “enough” is the root cause to what’s holding us back or causing us to feel and think so negatively about ourselves. I’m here to show the world that each and every one of us is worthy of being documented and having our voices heard!

My own boudoir experience showed me a perspective of my self I had never seen before and in that moment I knew that my body image was just a small piece of me as a whole person but also that I had let it consume my entire life by simply identifying with it and therefore, not being able to see anything other than that. Once that new perspective was in my face I had no choice but to start questioning everything…..This created a POWERFUL ripple effect throughout every aspect of my life and I just keep growing and becoming more aligned with my authentic self every day since my shoot.

A personalized empowering boudoir portrait session can empower you and liberate you from out dated and negative narratives and beliefs. I am so honored to be the one to kickstart your self love, and self acceptance journey! This is where my passion to empower women through photography, was born 💖

If you’d like to follow along with me and the blog then be sure follow me on social media:

TikTok & Women Only Insta @empowered_af 

Facebook & Public Insta: @amberfinophotography 

VIP Women Only Facebook Group: Empowered AF Society

I will be sharing links to my new blog posts as they are published. You can also subscribe to my email list to guarantee that you won’t miss a beat due to the algorithm/social media gods. You’ll find the email sign up at the bottom of this page.

Last but not least, in fact, this is by far the most important piece… I’d like to give a huge shout out and thank you to all of my followers, friends, family, and loyal clients! You’ve all been so supportive and amazing to work with. Thanks for all your support! You can not know how deeply grateful I am to have met and documented so many incredible people! THANK YOU!!

Watch for my next post featuring my favorite lingerie finds on Amazon!